Basic Information

Name: Yamanashi Moondragon
Nicknames: Yama
Age: 27
Race: Hyur/Midlander
Origin: Doma
Affiliation: Doman Eastern Alliance/Eorzean Alliance/Ryujin Clan
Gender: Male
Nameday: 24th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Guardian: Menphina, The Lover
Occupation: Dark Knight/Adventurer/Mentor
Marital Status: In a relationship.
Sexual Orientation: Straight


Yamanashi is calm and collective, growing up in a very strict household. Discipline and training were a staple in Yamanashi's history. Training with a sword at an early age in Kugane and well into his adulthood, he mastered each and every weapon as a Disciple of War and Magic. Yamanashi takes pride in his hard work becoming a mentor to all.


Usually quiet and reserved but incredibly nice, Yamanashi tends to keep to himself a lot unless he really knows you. He does enjoy hanging out with friends and such and can be flamboyant in the right settings. Alone or in foreign situations, Yamanashi is really observant and likes to learn about his surroundings before he takes action. Yamanashi is fairly friendly even with people he doesn't know, just don't cross him or you'll regret it. Yamanashi is usually pretty open about his past if people ask about it but is guarded if they delve too far if he doesn't know them. All in all, he does enjoy attention.

Early Years

Growing up in a Doman household, Yamanashi was always taught that discipline and honor were a staple of life. His parents were extremely strict with his lifestyle in order to prepare him to take on the family legacy as legendary swordsmen of Yuzuka Manor. Living in Shirogane, Yamanashi went to school in Kugane where he learned all about the strict lifestyle and history of Doma. As Yamanashi grew older nearing his teen years, Yamanashi was put into the Sekiseigumi Barracks in Kugane by his family in order to learn the way of the sword in order to continue his families legacy of legendary swordsmen who protect the Yuzuka family. Day in and day out Yamanashi honed is skills with the sword, balancing only school and training every single day with little time to himself. One day some friends from his school invited him to attend one of the Doman Summer Festivals, hesitant at first, Yamanashi accepted the invitation to finally have some time to himself. After hearing about his plans, Yamanashi's parents forbid him from attending the festival. Devastated young Yamanashi was, he still made an effort to go despite his parents commands. Yamanashi snuck out of his home to meet with his friends at the festival; it was the most fun he's ever had in his life and wanted to chase that excitement. Once he returned home, there were his parents waiting for him. They reprimanded Yamanashi for disobeying direct orders and beat him with a bamboo stick. Though he was beaten, Yamanashi was still determined to chase after the excitement that awaits him.

Young Adult

After years and years of rigid swordsmanship training Yamanashi was the first person to ever be awarded the title of Samurai at the young age of 17. A master swordsman, Yamanashi was finally ready to continue his family's legacy, but he had no interest in taking over his fathers place at Yuzuka Manor. Yamanashi wanted to explore the world and discover things he'd never imagine. After refusing to take over his family's legacy, Yamanashi's family was devastated; so devastated in fact that Yamanashi's father, the current legendary swordsman, challenged Yamanashi to a duel to force him to take his fathers place. After almost no competition, Yamanashi is victorious, he held his blade to his fathers neck and looked him in the eyes and said "If I'm going to protect someone, I'm gonna do it on my own terms, not yours." Those were the last words he ever said to his family, Yamanashi then sheathed his sword and walked away.

Doman Yakuza

After denouncing his family, Yamanashi wandered the streets of Kugane homeless. One night, a man was being mugged near the back alleys where Yamanashi slept. Hearing the cries for help, Yamanashi rushed into action, saving the mans life and getting his money back. The man he saved was none other than the patriarch of a major organizational Doman yakuza family, The Ryujin Clan. The patriarch invited Yamanashi to the clan headquarters located deep in the heart of Kugane where he properly thanked Yamanashi for saving his life. After hearing of Yamanashi's story, the patriarch offered him a job as his own personal bodyguard and invited him into the family, thus starting his career in the Doman Yakuza Organization. Yamanashi was a master of his craft, ensuring the patriarch and the clan was safe at all times. Yamanashi then received his own signature Doman sleeve tattoos, showing him as a true Doman Yakuza member. A few years in Yamanashi quickly ascended the ranks and became a patriarch of his own family, a subsidiary of the Ryujin Clan. An extremely powerful warrior, Yamanashi was a force to be reckoned with, earning him the title "The Moon Dragon" at the age of 19.

Adventure to the West

Around the age of 20, Yamanashi formally leaves the Ryujin clan in order to travel around the continent of Eorzea. Yamanashi takes an airship and flies to Ul'dah, beginning his new life. Yamanashi wanted to learn everything Ul'dah had to offer and trained in every disciple of war there was known in Ul'dah. Being the quick learner he is, he was able to master everything in no time. Yamanashi laid down his katana and picked up a sword and shield. The young gladiator participated in the gladiator tournaments Ul'dah had. Yamanashi dominated the competition every single time and became widely known amongst the Ul'dah community. Yamanashi quickly caught the eyes of the Paladins who protect the Sultana of Ul'dah and was approached by Jenlyns, Captain of the Sultansworn. Jenlyns was impressed on Yamanashi's combat prowess and wanted to recruit him as one of the Sultana's Paladins. Yamanashi accepted thus beginning his western adventures as a Paladin.

Journey To Ishgard

The young Paladin Yamanashi was almost the age of 22. Top of his class as a Paladin, Yamanashi became a personal bodyguard of the Sultana of Uldah, Nanamo Ul Namo. During one of their meetings, Nanamo was poisoned and Yamanashi was wrongly accused of poisoning her since he was the only one in the room, forcing him to flee Ul'dah. Needing to go somewhere, Yamanashi fled to Ishgard. Yamanashi discards his Paladin armor and dons the dark red Hellfire Armor which later becomes his signature look. Yamanashi meets a man named Fray who teaches him the Dark Arts of the Ishgardian Dark Knights. Yamanashi lays down his sword and shield and dons a great sword for the rest of his adventuring career. Succumbing to the dark side, Yamanashi was unable to control the darkness so slowly it started to consume him. But the tenacity of this man was so great, he refused to let it overtake him. The darkness seen something in him; a man of pure heart, the will of a man who wanted nothing but to protect others. The darkness then submitted to Yamanashi's will, changing the color of his Hellfire Armor to pure white, showing the pure heart Yamanashi has. The darkness imbued into his blade and inscribed runes, giving off a dark purple aura.

Return to Ul'dah and New Adventures

A few months after the poison incident, Yamanashi learns of Nanamo's wellness and the redacted order of his own head as they find the real culprit, he returns back to Ul'dah to see the Sultana alive and well. Yamanashi becomes close friends with the Sultana and continues his journey across Eorzea. For the next few years, Yamanashi journeys across the continent of Eorzea, learning new things and experiencing different cultures. Yamanashi learns and masters each and every disciple of war and magic armaments across the continent.

Invasion of the Garlean Empire

The now age 24 Yamanashi receives a call on his tomestone from his old Ryujin Clan about the Garlean Empire looking to invade Yanxia in hopes to take over the major trade routes of The One River and further their operations into Kugane because of it's major trade location. Yamanashi makes his way back to the Far east to reunite with his old clan. The Ryujin Clan backed up the Kugane Samurais set up their base of operations in Yanxia in order to push back the Garlean Empire led by Zenos Yae Galvus. An entirely failed attempt, the vast majority of both the Samurai and Yakuza including the patriarch were wiped out because of the sheer firepower the Garleans had. Yamanashi was forced to retreat back to Kugane after being severely injured in combat against Zenos. Completely underestimating Zenos was a mistake Yamanashi won't make twice. Doma was forced to surrender Yanxia after suffering the massive defeat. Enraged, Yamanashi wanted to wipe out the Garlean Empire from Doma once and for all, but he couldn't do it alone. Yamanashi left Kugane and went to The Azim Steppe where then met Hien Rijin, The Rightful Heir to the Throne of Doma. He and Hien band together with a Doman Resistance in order to take back Doma. They successfully drive back Garlean Empire out of Yanxia and out of Doma Castle to liberate them from Doma once and for all.

Yamanashi's Whereabouts Now

The invasion of Ala Mhigo was one of the greatest operations the resistance had ever done. In order to fully remove The Garleans, Yamanashi and Hien issued a full on assault in order to confront Zenos Yae Galvus. Yamanashi and Zenos fought to the death with Yamanashi barely coming out victorious, the Domans were finally free of Garlean reign. As years go by, Yamanashi is now currently 27, he wanders the lands fighting primals and savage enemies to hone his skills and become even stronger in order to keep Eorzea and it's occupants safe. He also runs a little bar in The Goblet known as The Lotus Blossom, so if you see him around, be sure to say hello.